1) What are the subsystems you deal in
your project?
Ø Marketing Subsystem - The Marketing subsystem provides numerous
marketing concepts to your site, designed to increase brand awareness, and to
attract and retain customers. Components of the marketing subsystem provide
functionality to create marketing campaigns, including customer segments and
advertising; and e-mail activities.
Ø Catalog Subsystem- The catalog subsystem provides online catalog navigation,
partitioning, categorization, and associations. In addition, the catalog
subsystem includes support for personalized interest lists and custom catalog
display pages. The catalog subsystem contains all logic and data relevant to an
online catalog, including catalog groups (or categories), catalog entries, and
any associations or relationships among them.
Ø Member Subsystem- A member can be a user, a group of users (also known as a
member group), or an organizational entity (which can be an organization, such
as "IBM" or an organizational unit within an organization, such as
"Electronic Commerce Division"). Business logic in the Member
subsystem provides member registration and profile management services. Other
services which are closely related to the Member subsystem include access
control, authentication, and session management.
· Registration information: Registration data for users and organizational entities
can be configured to be stored in the WebSphere Commerce database or the
directory server. Member group’s data can be stored only in the WebSphere
Commerce database. For authentication purposes, a registered user has a unique
identifier and a password. If the WebSphere Commerce database is used as
registry, the unique identifier is the logon ID. If the directory server is
used, the unique identifier can be a distinguished name or a relative distinguished
· Profile management: A Site Administrator manages user and
organizational entity profiles and data, including the organizations or
organizational units, roles, users, and member groups within a site. In
addition, a Buyer Administrator and Seller Administrator can manage users and
organizational entities.
· Access control and authorization: Access control determines what tasks users can perform on
specific resources. An access group is a group of members defined specifically
for access control purposes. A Site Administrator creates, maintains, and
deletes access groups for a site. A Buyer Administrator or a Seller
Administrator can also manage access groups for access control policies. Access
groups usually group users based on their roles, organizations, and
registration status.
· Security, authentication, and session management: A user can be authenticated against a
WebSphere Commerce database or a directory server. WebSphere Commerce supports
two challenge types: logon ID and password, and X.509 client certificate. When
logon ID and password is used, a user is authenticated against the WebSphere
Commerce database or a directory server. When X.509 client certificate is used,
the Web server performs the authentication. WebSphere Commerce supports two
types of session management: cookie-based and URL rewriting.
· Trading Subsystem- The trading subsystem in WebSphere
Commerce provides the logic, function and data relevant for negotiating the
price and quantity of a product or set of products between the buyer and seller
organization. The trading subsystem includes auctions, contracts, and Request
for Quote (RFQ) components that are used to carry out specific transactions
between organizations.
· Order Management Subsystem- The Order Management subsystem
provides shopping carts, order capture, order fulfillment, inventory, and payment
function support.
Order management is
broadly divided into:
Ø Order capture: Order capture provides
functionality such as sales quotes and shopping carts and order submission.
There are a number of ways to create shop carts and submit orders, as described
in the order mechanisms section.
Ø Order processing: Order processing is responsible
for the overall coordination of inventory allocation, payment processing,
releasing the order to fulfillment and tracking order status.
Ø Inventory processing: WebSphere Commerce supports two
inventory systems: Available to promise (ATP) and non-ATP. The interface to
inventory is encapsulated by a single inventory task command, which in turn
invokes either ATP or non-ATP task commands.
Ø Payment processing: WebSphere Commerce Payments
supports the use of payment plug-ins for offline or online payment processing.
2) Explain Order Management
The Order Management subsystem
includes all logic and data relevant to placing, processing, and managing
orders. The Order Management subsystem also deals with
Ø OrderCreate: The order will be created even
though there is no orderitems in the cart.
Ø OrderItemAdd: When the customer selects the item and
click on the add to the cart, then the OrderItemAddCmd will be called. The
order state will be pending
Ø OrderItemUpdate: This command will be called when the
quantity of the item is updated in the shopping cart page. The order state will
bepending (P).
Ø OrderCalculate: This command will be called when
the customer adds the orderitems in the cart. The order state will be pending (P).
Ø OrderItemMove: This command merges the current
pending order to the previous order when the customer places the order by
signing on to the store.
Ø OrderPrepare: It basically calculates determines the
discount, prices, shipping charges and taxes for the order.
Ø OrderProfileUpdate: This command will be called to update
the billing and shipping address and ship mode of the customer.
Ø OrderProcess: Submits the order.
Here, the order can be
blocked for several reasons.
· This may be due to manual verification
of the customer.
· The order payment has not been
captured completely. If the full payment has been captured then the state of
the order is complete (C)i.e.
payment authorization is complete. When
the partial payment has been captured the order state will be (M) i.e. part of the amount has been
Ø OrderScheduled: The order is released, if the order is
unblocked and fulfills all the requirements. This cmd is invoked by the
scheduler. The order state will be released
(R). When the order will be
released, message will be sent to the LSP for shipment. Once the order gets
shipped, the state of the order will be shipped (s) and after that shipment confirmation
mail will be sent to the ecommerce. After this the state of the order will be
deposited (D).
Ø OrderCancel: The order can be cancelled through
Customer Sales Representatives, before the order is released to Fulfillment.
OrderCancel can cancel orders with an order status of P, X, W, E, A, B, C, M
and OrderItem not in R, S, F, and G. Here the order state will be cancelled (X).
Ø OrderEdit: This will be called, when the CSR
is working with the order. The editor id will be assigned to the order. The
order state will be CSR Edit (E). The order can be edit before the releasing
the order.
3) Can you explain about Access Control Policies?
Access control policies is the utility provided by WebSphere Commerce, to allow
access to the authorized group of user to a perform set of actions on the
resources present in the application. There are four main concepts in the ACP.
· Access: Allowing access to group of authorized users to
which policy applies
· Actions: Actions performed by user on the resources.
· Resources: Resources may include business objects
(i.e. set of commands, etc)
· Relationship: Each user can have relationship associated
with it. (For e.g. a policy can apply the creator of an order can modify it and
it is between the order and the user.)
basic XML elements of the access control policy files are
· <Action>: The new action will be loaded on ACACTION table.
· <ActionGroup>: It is a group of related action and the action
groups are stored in ACACTGRP table. Actions are associated with
action groups in ACACTGRP table.
· <Attribute>: Attribute is defined in ACATTR table.
· <ResourceCategory>: Resource Category is defined in ACRESCGRY table.
· <ResourceGroup>: It is a set of resources and defined in ACRESGRP table.
· <Relation>: Each resource can have set of relationship
associated with it and it is stored in ACRELATION table.
· <RelationGroup>: Relation group are defined in ACRELGRP.
· <Policy>: Policies are defined in ACPOLICY.
· <PolicyGroup>: Policy group are defined in ACPOLGRP.
acpload database_name
db_username db_pwd WC_Installdir/xml/policies/acp_file_name.xml
4) What is acugload?
A) The acugload is the utility to load the user access group
in the appropriate database. This utility will load the <UserGroup> element in theMBRGRPUSG table.
A member group of type Access
Group (-2) is for access control purposes, while a member group of type User
Group (-1) is for general use.
5) What is acpnlsload?
A) The acpnlsload utility loads the XML files
containing the display names and descriptions, into the appropriate databases.
To insert or update display names and descriptions for the various policy
related elements run the acpnlsload script.
This script loads the
following elements:
<Attribute_nls>, <ActionGroup_nls>, <ResourceCategory_nls>,
<ResourceGroup_nls>, <Relation_nls>, <Policy_nls>,
6) What is acpextract?
A) The acpextract utility extracts the access control policy
and access group information in the database and generates files that capture
the information in XML format. It uses an input filter XML file to specify the
data to extract from the database.
7) Suppose one user login into
our site. He selected some of items and he has given the order. After two
months, how can you check the status of the Order?
A) The status of the order can be checked from ORDERS table.
8) I want to collect user
email id’s whose email id ends with @and particular company name.com. Then how
can you give SQL query to Database in WCS?
A) The email id of the user can be found from ADDRESS
table. The ADDRESS_ID is the foreign key in the ORDERS table.
So for the particular user, first
take the order no and fetch the ADDRESS_ID from the ORDERS table.
Use that ADDRESS_ID to get the
email id for the user. Here there can be multiple addresses like permanent
address (P) and the temporary address (T) for the same user. So, fetch the
address with the STATUS as P.
Select EMAIL1 from ADDRESS where
If you want to search email ID
directly, so run the below query.
Select * from ADDRESS where
EMAIL1 like ‘%@abc.com’ OR ‘EMAIL2 like ‘%@abc.com
Where EMAIL1 stands for primary
email address.
EMAIL2 stands for secondary email
9) I want to know the
particular member _id. Then tell me the relation between MEMBER tables with
ORDER table?
A) The MEMBER_ID is the primary in the MEMBER table and the
foreign key in the ORDERS table.
10) What kind of tables did
you use?
A) In the Order management Flow following tables
are used.
In Member Subsystem, following
tables are used.
11) What are JSP programming
best practices?
A) Below are the JSP programming best practices:-
Use JSTL in place of Java Code.
Use commerce specific bean (<wcbase:useBean>) in place of standard bean (<jsp:useBean>) activation.
Use commerce specific maps to access request parameters
i.e. WCParam & WCParamValues.
Use StoreErrorDataBean data bean for error handling. This can
be used to display store specific error message in the jsp.
Use appropriate includes mechanism.
ü Static include: Includes the jsp file at the compile
<%@ include file=”filename.jspf” %>
ü Dynamic include: Includes the jsp file at run time, while the request is
url=”filename.jsp”> … </c:import>
<jsp:include page=”filename.jsp”
Use .jspf extension
for the JSP segments. The parent jsp should be with .jsp extension and the
included jsp should be with .jspf extension.
Use escapeXml attribute to preserve the HTML formatting.
By default the value of the escapeXml will be true. When this value is true
then the html special characters will be converted to standard entity codes.
For e.g. <c:out
Here the value is true
by default, if there is any special character in the price, it will display the
entity code in the UI
value=”${list.productPrice}” escapeXml=”true”/>
Here the value is
false, if there is any special character in the price, it will display the
special characters it is in the UI.
Use the POST method instead of GET.
12) What are different types
of promotions?
A) There are three types of
Order Promotions
Ø Percentage off
Ø Fixed amount Off
Ø Free gift with purchase
Product Promotions
Ø Fixed amount off per item
Ø Percentage off per item
Ø Fixed amount off for all
Ø Free gift with purchase
Ø Buy X, get one or more items for discount
Shipping Promotions
Ø Free shipping
Ø Discounted shipping for the order using a
selected shipping mode.
Ø Discounted shipping for all the item using a
selected shipping mode.
Ø Discounted shipping per item using a selected
shipping mode.
13) What are different types
of calculation usages used in WCS?
A) WebSphere Commerce performs all calculations
for one calculation usage at a time. The order of calculation usages is stored
in the SEQUENCEcolumn of
the STENCALUSG database table. The entries in this
table are initially populated with information from the language-independent
bootstrap file: wcs-bootstrap.xml.
Calculation usage
Calculation usage code
Sales tax
Shipping tax
Shipping Adjustment
14) On what table promotion
codes are stored?
A) The promotions that are created through accelerator are
stored in PX_PROMOTION table.
primary key
STATUS: 0 means
inactive, 1 means active, 2 means mark for deletion, 3 means suspended and
4 means Obsolete.
All the promotion
related information that is created from accelerator is stored in PX_PROMOTION table.
CALCODE and CLCDPROMO are the two tables that can be used to
populate the promotion code.
ORDADJUST contains information of the promotions that
are applied to the order.
and PromotionEngineOrderCalculateCmdImpl are used to add the promotion code to
the order.
15) How do you call a task
command from a controller command? And what is the syntax?
A) Task commands are invoked from controller commands to
perform the set of business operations.
OrderCalculateCmd cmd = (OrderCalculateCmd) CommandFactory.createCommand
(OrderCalculateCmd.class.getName(), getStoreId()))
(getCommandContext ());
cmd.execute ();
16) What is controller
commands used in Member Subsystem?
A) UserRegistrationAddCmd for adding the user. This will insert the data of the
UserRegistrationUpdateCmd for updating the user profile.
LogOffCmd for logging out user session.
Customized Controller
Commands in GOSP are GOSPNCIMHandShakeCmd used for authenticating the user,
by hand shaking with NCIM. This command will search for user authentication
token, if the authentication token is available, then the user will be allowed
to sign on.
GOSPNCIMUserRegistrationFormCmd used for creating the registration form for
the user.
17) For creating a Controller
Command, we register Controller Command into CMDREG table? Is it necessary to
register in that table? What is the main purpose to register in CMDREG table?
A) It is not necessary to enter data in the CMDREG table,
but an entry should be made in the struts-config.xml.
The controller command can be
registered in the CMDREG table by xml and SQL query.
To register a new controller
command, or a new task command, in the CMDREG table,
create an entry in the XML file for each new or customized controller or task
commands, using the following example of a task command as your guide:
storeent_id="@storeent_id_1" interfacename= "
com.ibm.commerce.payment.commands. DoPaymentCmd " classname =
"com.ibm.commerce.payment.commands .DoPaymentMPFCmdImpl"/>
To register by SQL query
insert into CMDREG (storeent_id, interfacename,
description, classname) values (0,' com.ibm.commerce.payment.commands.
DoPaymentCmd ', 'Payment
commands for all shops', ' com.ibm.commerce.payment.commands
.DoPaymentMPFCmdImpl ').
If there is no entry for the
command in the CMDREG table, then controller will check defaultCommandClassName
in the interface.
public interface
GOSPShipmentNotificationServiceCmd extends ControllerCommand {
public static final String NAME =
public static
final String defaultCommandClassName = GOSPShipmentNotificationServiceCmdImpl
18) Can you list out some of
the Controller Commands for giving the promotions to products, which you have
been used? And explain the scenario?
A) Our custom command GOSPPromotionCodeAddRemoveCmdImpl inherits the out of box command PromotionCodeAddRemoveControllerCmdImpl to apply promotion in the shopping
cart page.
Promotion codes are managed by
the PromotionCodeManager component of the PromotionEngine. This is a
configurable component. The default promotion code manager,
WCSPromotionCodeManager, simply records promotion codes entered for an order in
the ORDPROMOCD table.
All promotion code managers must implement the com.ibm.commerce.marketing.promotion.code.PromotionCodeManager
19) Can you list out the tag
libraries in WCS?
A) Core tags, sql tags, xml tags and fmt tags.
20) What is Dyna caching?
A) Caching improves response time and reduces system load to
improve the performance of world-wide web applications.
The Dyna caching service
ü Servlet or JSP result cache, caching the fragments of JSP
or whole page.
ü Command cache to cache business objects.
ü Edge Side Include (ESI) caching to cache, assemble and
deliver the dynamic web pages at the edge of enterprise network.
ü Invalidation support to ensure that the content of cache
is correct. Invalidation can be rule-based, time-based, group-based and
ü Replication support, to enable cache sharing and
replication on multiple servers.
ü Disk offload capability, to enable and storing large
amount of data, preserve the content in the application server until it is
restarted or stopped.
The caching specific behaviour of
the WCS is specified in the cachespec.xml present in the Stores.war.
Dyna caching service, places the
objects in the cache which is identified by unique cache-id’s (<cache-id> rules) defined in the <cache-entry> elements.
Once the objects with particular
cache-id are in the cache, then the subsequent request for the same cache-id is
served from the cache.
Cached objects are removed from
the cache according to the information provided in the <cache-entry> elements such as <time-out>, <invalidation> and<priority> elements.
When the available cache memory
is full, LRU algorithm removes the cached objects with the lower priority.
The <dependency-id> and
<invalidation> elements defines the rule to generate dependency-id’s and
the invalidation-id’s, which together specifies certain objects should be
removed from the cache after the request is processed.
The <inactivity> element is
used to specify a time to live (TTL) value for the cache entry based on the
last time that the cache entry was accessed.
Caching strategy
When determining a caching
strategy for WebSphere Commerce, the key issues that need to be resolved are:
Ø Which pages should be cached
Ø Where caching should take place
Ø Cache full pages or page fragments
Ø How to invalidate the cached data.
When determining which Web pages
should be cached, good candidates for caching are pages that:
Ø Are accessed frequently
Ø Are stable for a period of time
Ø Contain a majority of contents that can be
reused by a variety of users
The following <cache-entry>
example uses a <cache-id> element to cache results created by a JSP and
generate a cache ID with two components, "storeId" and
"catalogId", obtained from parameters in the request object:
<name>/ToolTech/. .
id="storeId" type="parameter">
id="catalogId" type="parameter">
21) What is the difference
between WCParam and param implicit objects?
A) WCParam is a Websphere Commerce specific implicit object. This
allows to access and decrypt the the HTTP request.
Param is a standard JSP implicit object, but it does not
guarantee to decrypt the HTTP request.
When you don’t want to encrypt
the request parameters, then following configuration needs to be done.
name="storeId" />
name="langId" />
name="catalogId" />
name="categoryId" />
name="productId" />
22) What are the different
ways of Cache Invalidation?
Ø Invalidating the cache using timeout: This can be done by adding
<timeout>10</timeout> in side of <cache-id> element. The
timeout value will be in seconds. If the default value is 0, then the cache
will not expire.
Ø Using Command invalidation: Command based invalidation means invalidation rules are
executed upon the execution of the command that extends CachableCommandImpl WebSphere Command framework.
The invalidation id’s
are constructed based on the fields and methods provided by command.
Ø Invalidating cache using dyna cache API and CACHEIVL
table: WebSphere provides DynaCacheInvalidation command which is called by scheduler
to process the record in CACHEIVL table.
Ø Invalidating cache using dependency trees: Using dependency id’s the cache can be
For e.g.
<component id="" ignore-value="true"
<component id="parent_category_rn"
ignore-value="true" type="parameter">
23) How to use the dyna cache
API not to cache the page?
Ø Not caching the whole page:
<%@ page
import = "com.ibm.commerce.webcontroller.
HttpControllerRequestObject" %>
<%@ page
import="javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest" %>
<%@ page
import="com.ibm.commerce.server.JSPHelper" %>
<%@ page
import="com.ibm.commerce.command.CommandContext" %>
CommandContext commandContext = (CommandContext)request.
HttpControllerRequestObject controllerReq =
HttpServletRequest req = controllerReq.getHttpRequest();
Ø Not caching the fragment of page:
<%@ page
import="com.ibm.websphere.servlet.cache.*" %>
24) What is CommandContext ?
A) CommandContext is the interface in WebSphere Commerce,
which contains session and user information and set in the Controller command
before the execute method is called.
25) What is use of fmt tag?
A) fmt tag is used to display the message in
locale language.
For e.g
<fmt:message key="TERMSCONDITION122C"
bundle="${termsConditionText}" /></a>
26) Why
JSTLEnvironmentSetup.jspf is included in jsp ?
A) This file retrieves and prepares the JSP page
path, file path and resource bundle path which are used by other JSP’s. The
EnvironmentSetup.jsp includes most commonly used attributes such as storeDir,
jspDir, includeDir, bundleDir, etc.
27) How can you do
Internationalization in WCS using fmt tag library? Tell me total flow of
execution? What are the files to modify for that purpose?
A) To do Internationlization in WCS, following steps needs
to be followed.
Ø Include JSTLEnvironmentSetup.jspf in the jsp. This is
required to get the path of the properties files from the environment. The
properties files are fetched based on the language id.
Ø Declare the variable name of the bundle in the jsp using
the below
<fmt:setBundle basename="${sdb.jspStoreDir}/GOSPNokiaTermsandCondition_NLS"
var="termsConditionText" />
Ø Get the key from the bundle and display in the
<fmt:message key="TERMSCONDITION1"
bundle="${termsConditionText}" />
28) How can you take shipping
address and billing address from customer? Explain?
A) The shipping and billing address of the
customer are stored in the ADDRESS table. There will be two ADDRESS_ID one is for shipping and other is for
billing addresses. The ADDRBOOK_ID is the foreign key in the ADDRESS table. The ADDRESSTYPE will be S for shipping , B for billing and SB for both shipping and billing.
The ORDERS table only contains the ADDRESS_ID of the billing address.
29) Do you know about .sar
files? What’s the use of it?
A) Store archive file (.sar) is the zip file that contains
all necessary assets to create a store or site.
30) What are the business
models in WCS?
A) Business model provides sample commerce
solution which includes organization structure, default roles and access
control policies, one or more starter stores, administrator tools and business
processes that demonstrate best practices.
Ø Consumer Direct: A store that support commerce transactions
involving products, services or information directly between businesses and
Ø B2B Direct: A store that supports commerce transactions between two
business parties.
· Hub: A site that enables its customers and partners
to access products and services available from business partners or clients of
the hub owner.
· Extended Site: A site that allow the selling organization to
provide unique storefronts for different enterprise customers.
30) What is the difference
between DataBean and AccessBean?
A) DataBean class implements SmartDataBean uses lazy fetch method. Uses
appropriate AccessBean for database access. It is used in JSP.
AccessBean are light-weight simple Java Bean and it is
called in the Command, to fetch all the data at once. AccessBean extends
InputDataBean retrieves data from the URL or view command
31) What are the types of Data
A) Data Bean is Java Bean that is used in JSP to populate
dynamic data.
There are three types of Data
Ø Smart Data Bean: Smart Data Bean uses lazy fetch method to
retrieve data. This type of data bean provides better performance in the
situations where not all data from data beans are required. Smart Data bean
that requires access to the database should extend access bean from the
corresponding entity bean and implement com.ibm.commerce.SmartDataBean
Ø Command Data Bean: Command data bean relies on the command and it
is more light weight. The command data bean fetches all the data at once,
regardless of whether the JSP requires them or not. Command Data Bean extends
corresponding Access Bean and implements com.ibm.commerce.CommandDataBean.
Ø Input Data Bean: The Data Bean implementing
com.ibm.commerce.InputDataBean interface retrieves data from the URL parameters
or attributes set by the View.
When a JSP page is
invoked, the generated servlet populates all the attributes that matched in the
URL parameters and activates the data bean by passing it to the data bean
manager. Then the data bean manager invokes the data bean’s
setRequestProperties () method to pass all the attributes set by the view.
The following code is
required to activate the data bean.
(data_bean, request, response).
32) How do we use Data Bean in
the JSP?
A) The below code is used to get access to data bean from
<wcbase:useBean id=”orderDB”
classname=”com.gosp.order.beans.GOSPOrderDataBean” scope=”request”>
value=”${orderId}” target=”${ orderDB }” property=”orderId”/>
33) Explain about blocking an
A) The order will be blocked by calling task command NotifyBlockCmd or the controller command BlockNotifyCmd. When the order
is blocked, the value of BLOCKED column in the ORDERS table will be 1 (means the order is blocked).
The record for the blocked orders
exists in ORDERBLK table. This table contains the ORDERBLK_ID, ORDERS_ID, BLKRSNCODE_ID, RESOLVED (value 0indicates not resolved and 1 indicates resolved).
The BLKRSNCODE and BLKRSNDESC table contains the reason for blocking
the order.
The STORBLKRSN table contains the block reason that
is available for the store. Here the RESPECTED column is used to make active the
reason code (0 means off and 1 means on).
34) Explain Controller command
programming model?
A) The new controller command should extend
com.ibm.commerce.command .ControllerCmdImpl or implements abstract class or
interface. While writing new controller command you must implements following
methods from abstract class.
Ø isGeneric (): In WCS, there are three types of users,
registered users, guest users and generic users. The generic users have common
id, and that common id is used to browse to the site.
The isGeneric ()
methods returns true, if the user is generic and returns for registered users.
Ø isRetriable (): This method returns true, if the command is tried even
after the transaction rollback exception or not.
For e.g. the command
should be retried even after the transaction rollback exception occurred during
the OrderProcess. This command invokes third party payment system for
authorization process. It cannot be retried, since authorization cannot be
reversed. An example of command that can be retried is ProductDisplay command.
Ø setRequestProperties (com.ibm.commerce.datatype.TypedProperty
reqParams) :
This method is invoked
by the web controller to pass all the input properties to the controller
command. The controller command must parse the input properties and set each
individual property explicitly in this method.
Ø validateParameters (): This method is used to validate all the
request parameters before processing.
Ø getResources (): This method is used to implement resource
level access control. If the resource level action is performed, then it
returns vector which contains resource-action pair and if no action is
performed then it returns nothing.
Ø performExecute (): this method is called to perform business logic.
Before calling this method, the controller command should invoke the super
class performExecute () methods.
35) What is master catalog?
A) Master Catalog is a centralized location to manage
stores. Everything that is required for the store is present in master catalog.
It is a single catalog that contains products, items, relationships and prices
that is required for sale in the store.
36) What is a fulfillment
center? Can a store have a multiple fulfillment centers?
A) Fulfillment centers are used by stores as warehouses for
shipping and receiving centers. One store can have multiple fulfillment centers
associated with it. Inventory count is maintained separately for each
fulfillment centers. Fulfillment includes picking, packing and shipping.
Picking is the selection of products from one or more releases from a
fulfillment centers, packing is the putting the products in the shipping
container and shipping is sending them to customers.
37) What is the role of helper classes in WCS?
A) Helper class is a utility class that can be
used any where and anytime without prior coding and it reduces code redundancy.
For e.g. BaseJDBCHelper is a JDBC helper class which provides
interaction with the database, such as establishing connection with the
database, executing the query and closing the connection.
38) Which method is invoked in the data bean
for calling an access bean?
A) In the populate () method we can write the
code to call access bean.
39) What is Optimistic locking?
A) Optimistic locking allows you to lower the isolation
level that you use in the application, so that fewer locks are placed against
the database assets. It allows more application to run concurrently against the
same database.
40) Explain something about
A) A WebSphere Commerce scheduler is a background
server that schedules and launches the jobs both at the site level and the
store level.
The scheduler polls the SCHACTIVE table to find the jobs scheduled to
Following are the value of STATE in SCHACTIVE table
Ø W: the job is waiting for execution
Ø I:
the job is currently inactive.
Ø IF: the job has run and failed.
Ø R: the job is currently running.
Ø RF: the job is running because of previous attempt
Ø C: the job is finished running.
Ø CF: the job failed to execute successfully.
The scheduler gets the job
configuration information from SCHCONFIG table. The job can be run only on
WebSphere Commerce server and its clones.
The scheduler logs the status of
the job in SCHSTATUS table.
The scheduler can broadcast the
jobs on its clones and logs the broadcast job entries in SCHBRDCST table.
41) Difference between
Optimistic locking and pessimistic locking?
A) Optimistic locking improves the performance of
application by reducing the isolation level of the database transactions. If
two or more transaction is performing the update operation of the same row, the
lock on the row will be acquired by one transaction and remaining transaction
will be roll backed.
Pessimistic locking protects the
integrity of the database by locking the database assets over the entire
duration of the transaction. But this will affect performance of the
application that is running multiple transactions at a time and becomes
42) Explain about bundle and
A) There are different types of bundle and kits
Ø Prebuilt Kit: A prebuilt kit is a collection of catalog
entries that cannot be sold separately. A prebuilt kit has own its price and
cannot be changed once it is added to the shopping cart. Inventory of prebuilt
kit is independent of its component parts.
Ø Dynamic Kit: A dynamic kit is a group of product that is
ordered as a unit. The components of kit cannot be modified in the order, but
they are reconfigured by the configurator. The entire configuration must be
fulfilled together.
Ø Static Kit: A static kit is a group of product that is
ordered as a unit. The components of kit cannot be modified in the order. The
individual components within the order cannot be modified and must be fulfilled
together. A static kit will be backorder if any of its components is
unavailable. A static kit has no inventory of its own. When the static kit is
purchased, the inventory of its component part is lowered.
Ø Bundle: A bundle is a collection of catalog entries
which allows customer to buy multiple merchandise with one click. The bundle
components can be sold separately.
43) Explain exception types in
A) A command can throw two types of exceptions
Ø ECApplicationException: This exception is thrown; if the error is related to user
input and it always fail. When the user enters invalid parameter, this
exception is always thrown. When this exception is thrown, the solution
controller does not retry the command, even if the command is specified as
Ø ECSystemException: This exception is thrown if a runtime
exception or any WebSphere configuration error occurs. Examples of this
exception are Remote Exception, Create Exception or other EJB exceptions. When
this exception is thrown, the solution controller retries the command if the
command is retirable and the exception was caused by either a database dead
lock or database rollback.
44) What is the purpose of
Bootstrap files?
A) Bootstrap files are XML files which WebSphere Commerce
uses during instance creation to populate database tables with information
after the schema has been created. Once the data has been loaded, you can see
the preloaded information in the table. These files are used to retrieve
information about the specific data, such as calculation codes and pricing
45) What is Search Engine
A) Search Engine Optimization is considered to be the one of
the most important channel that can be reached to the customer.
Dynamic Database driven URL such
as those generated by WebSphere Commerce contains stop characters like (?, %,
&) that can be overwhelm by search engine crawlers. For this reason, search
engine limit the URL’s that they index. To overcome this limitation, WebSphere
Commerce provides the functionality to help improve the results of search
engine indexing.
Crawler is software that is used
by search engine to index the page that is available in the website for public.
In WebSphere Commerce, we need to
create static URL for the database driven dynamic URL.
For e.g.
The dynamic URL that generates
the request as shown below:-
This dynamic URL contains the
stopping characters and it will prevent the indexing by the search engine
To avoid this, we need to create
a static URL as below:-
The static URL for all the
request can be created by making an entry in the SEOUrlMapper.xml
<pathInfo_mapping name=”CategoryDisplay” requestName=”
<parameter name=”storied” />
<parameter name=”languageId” />
<parameter name=”categoryId” />
<parameter name=”catalogId” />
When search engine analyze the
page, it gives more weightage to the page title, page header and the page first
sentence of the body.
46) Explain relationship
A) The CATENTRY_ID is the foreign key in the ORDERITEMS table and OICOMPLIST table.
The CATENTRY_ID is the primary
key in the CATENTRY table. The relationship of the parent
and child CATENTRY_ID can be defined in CATENTREL table.
Product Bean, Item Bean, Package Bean, Bundle Bean, DynamicKitBean and
The CATENTDESC contains all the descriptive
information for the CATENTRY_ID and the CATENTRY_ID is the primary key in the
The LISTPRICE contains the pricing information of
The OFFER table contains the OFFER_ID of the
The OFFERPRICE table contains the offer price of
the CATENTRY_ID and the OFFER_ID is the primary key.
47) Explain something about
A) The ATTRIBUTE table contains all the attribute
information of the CATENTRY_ID. ATTRIBUTE_ID is the primary key. The single
CATENTRY_ID can have more than one ATRRIBUTE_ID.
Examples of ATTRIBUTE are like
color, Internet browser, FM Radio, Blue Tooth, Warranty, Video Recorder, Music
player, etc.
ATTRIBUTE specifies all the
features that are available for the CATENTRY_ID.
THE ATTRTYPE table contains attribute type
The ATTRVALUE table contains the STRINGVALUE and the
FLOATVALUE description of the ATTRIBUTE_ID based on the store specific
48) Explain something about
A) All the Marketing spot that is created in the application
will have record in the EMSPOT table.
EMSPOT table consists of EMSPOT_ID, STORE_ID, NAME,
ESMAPOBJ table consists of mapping between ESMAPOBJ_ID
and the OBJECT_ID.
49) Explain something about
A) The INVENTORY contains information like
INVENTORYFLAGS values can be as
1 = noUpdate. The default
UpdateInventory task command does not update QUANTITY.
2 = noCheck. The default CheckInventory and UpdateInventory task commands do not check QUANTITY.
2 = noCheck. The default CheckInventory and UpdateInventory task commands do not check QUANTITY.
50) Explain something about
A) ADDRBOOK table contains the address owned by the member.
ADDRESS_ID is the primary key.
ADDRESS table consists of Member own address, friend address and
etc. ADDRESS_ID is the primary key; ADDRESSTYPE can be Shipping S,
Billing B or Shipping and Billing SB.
A) SHIPMODE – Each row of this table represents the shipmode for store
MARKFORDELETE (0 by default)
SHPARRANGE- Each row of this table represents a
ShippingArrangement, indicating that a FulfillmentCenter can ship products on
behalf of a Store using a ShippingMode.
SHIPMODEDSC-Each row contains the language dependent description of
the ship mode.
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